Your home is your haven of well-being, the intimate space where you can feel safe and keep out everything you don't want. Your home is the place where you find and regenerate yourself. Let us give you good news: it can be exactly like that – at home, you can enjoy a safe, healthy and tranquil environment that you cannot always find outside. And Jonix sanitising devices are the effective and efficient resource you need to breathe deeply with confidence, even in times when breathing can seem risky.
Jonix indoor sanitisers with their core of Non-Thermal Plasma high-technology break down all pollutants from the air and the surfaces of your home: viruses, bacteria, moulds and volatile contaminants (VOC) released by glues, paints, furnishings, construction materials and household appliances; as well as pollutants produced by daily activities such as cooking and cleaning. (Cooking fumes and detergents release into the environment particles that are harmful to your health.)
Even if we are not aware of it, the air in enclosed spaces is often much more polluted than the outside, because the pollutants are more concentrated and in a smaller space. Opening the windows is important but sometimes it can bring further pollutants inside, such as particulate matter produced by car exhaust fumes.
With Jonix, sanitising the air is as simple as breathing: Jonix sanitising devices are very simple to install and maintain and within moments they transform the air in your house, while you are breathing it. They can be used continuously and for a prolonged period of time in the presence of people: even those who are more vulnerable (children, the elderly, allergy sufferers) will benefit from the effects of Non-Thermal Plasma in the home environment.
At home: to eliminate contaminants generated by furniture and building materials.
In the kitchen to eliminate cooking odours. In the living area to improve room comfort, reduce odours and promote relaxation. In the bedrooms to improve sleep quality, reduce snoring and sleep apnea. In cellars and garages to reduce the formation of moulds and odours. In all environments to eliminate VOCs emitted by printers and furnishings, help improve physiological respiratory functions, reduce the spread of infectious diseases and stress.
For the sanitisation of the internal surfaces of the air distribution channels and VMC, to prevent the formation of chemical and biological contaminants (moulds, bacteria and legionella) on the internal surfaces and in the air flowing, in order to make sure the air entering your house is clean and decontaminated.
For those who live in condominiums, buildings with lifts, to sanitise the lift ensuring the hygiene of the air and internal surfaces.
Sanitisation and decontamination module with cold plasma technology, for the purification and decontamination of aeraulic ducts, specially designed to be easily installed wherever you want to prevent or eliminate the formation of bacterial colonies on the surfaces of the ducts
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