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Jonix Benefit Corporation

Jonix Benefit Corporation

A business model that wants to become a model company  

At Jonix we want to create and share values, which for us means designing, developing and operating systems that are safe, healthy and respectful for people and the environment. In Jonix the products go hand in hand with the human growth of our company: it is not just a matter of creating devices that are really needed but also of doing it coherently: we want to become a global role model in the field of indoor sanitisation for the safeguarding of everyone's health and personal well-being.  


Locally-made, direct and proud: the production chain we have always wanted  

We have chosen to make our products entirely in Italy, carefully selecting our suppliers, so that they are our partners in product development and work harmoniously with us, to provide final users with the best results. This is why we do our best to look for suppliers first of all in our area: we want them close in terms of values ​​and kilometres, to create stable and profitable relationships and impact the environment as little as possible, importing from abroad only what is not available on the Italian market, as long as it corresponds to our quality criteria.  

Our suppliers embody the best of the nation’s manufacturing industry: they know all the potential of what they produce and know-how to create with us the most suitable component for every single development need.  


Valuable choices bring value  

With a view to developing sustainable partnerships as a creation of shared value, we have entrusted the production of some special components of our technology to Sol.Co, a social enterprise that transforms the different skills of people into resources for the whole community.  

Collaborating with is also an important opportunity for business and human growth: it gives us the opportunity to interact with people with complex backgrounds, people who teach us that passion and skill can overcome these experiences and add value to others too.  


Planning and acting for the well-being of the region  

We are convinced that companies are not islands, but archipelagos, ecosystems of relationships that can enrich, in every sense, the elements that are part of them, in a continuous exchange of knowledge and resources.  

In particular, in times of crisis, we want to benefit our area by providing our skills, in terms of experience and products. In the spring of 2020, when institutions and people were taken aback by the virulence of Covid-19, we supported the activities of the Civil Protection of our regional area by making our devices available. Subsequently, at the reopening of the schools, we provided them with what they needed, free of charge, for the constant sanitisation of schools and public buildings of the municipality in which we are based, ensuring optimal conditions also for schools in the neighbouring areas. In autumn 2020 we made some of our warehouses available to the local health units (Ulss) as additional spaces to perform Covid tests and swabs.  


Furthermore, we also work beyond emergencies, supporting sectors important to us such as culture and art, which should be usable by everyone in maximum safety, at any time. This is why we contribute, with our technologies and skills, to the hygiene and healthiness of museum exhibition areas in our community.  We support Palazzo Zabarella, one of the hearts of Paduan art, a treasure trove of culture, with our sanitisation systems, so that people can experience beauty in a safe environment and works of art enjoy the optimal conditions for their conservation.  

The wonderful Venice lagoon is not far from our headquarters. The Plastic-Free Venice Lagoon, a non-profit organisation promoting Clean Up Day, together with VERITAS, Legambiente, Ocean Space and other local associations, was set up here. Jonix is also part of this initiative and all together, managers, employees and collaborators, with nets and gloves, clean up removable waste (especially plastic waste) from the streets and canals of Venice. The initiative, in addition to making a concrete contribution to the well-being of the lagoon ecosystem, allows for the overall monitoring of the waste/plastic pollution situation, necessary to activate efficient protection and cleaning plans.  


We always do what we can, starting from where we are, with what we have.  

L’impegno da parte di Jonix può essere rappresentato secondo cinque linee di azione e aree di impatto, parte integrante dell’Oggetto Sociale di Jonix:


L’ideazione, la progettazione e la realizzazione di soluzioni e servizi in grado di prevenire, ridurre e curare le conseguenze dell’inquinamento indoor e di migliorare l’impatto ambientale in generale;


L’ideazione, la progettazione e la realizzazione di azioni ed interventi volti a far crescere la conoscenza dell’impatto ambientale e sociale delle scelte di consumo individuali e collettive;


L’implementazione di collaborazioni sinergiche con organizzazioni profit e non profit il cui scopo sia allineato con quello della società, al fine di contribuire ad un reciproco sviluppo amplificando l’impatto positivo dei rispettivi operati;


La realizzazione di un ambiente di lavoro nel quale le persone coinvolte possano trovare benessere, che sia in grado di valorizzare ciascun collaboratore come individuo, favorendone la crescita umana e professionale e alimentando il senso di rispetto per l’ambiente, le generazioni future e quelle attuali;


La diffusione, divulgazione e promozione, anche attraverso la condivisione con i propri partner, di un’identità e finalità sociale che contribuisca a modificare gli stili di vita delle persone.

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