In the production, storage and the sale of food products, it is essential to ensure optimal compliance with regulations. This includes paying constant attention to respecting hygiene standards and sanitisation protocols of the work areas, to avoid contamination caused by bacteria, moulds and pathogens present in the environments and carried by operators.
Air and surfaces in production and packaging environments are key elements of this process: airborne microorganisms can cause contamination and food poisoning, as well as alterations in products making them unmarketable and causing significant economic and image damage.
Jonix NTP technology in food preparation facilities allows a significant optimisation of procedures, with a consequent increase in the shelf life of finished products, less use of chemical preservatives and an overall improvement in hygiene. Jonix Non-Thermal Plasma technology sanitises all environments, even those requiring considerable attention and hygiene, without using chemicals. The NTP technology used in Jonix devices constantly prevents cross-contamination, even in the presence of operators, eliminates odours and contributes to the optimal quality of the finished product.
In addition, the sanitised and purified air prevents infections from airborne diseases and reduces absence due to illness by up to 30%, improving the performance of staff.
Indoor air quality in food stores has proved to be of crucial importance given the number of factors that affect it. In fact, the number of people entering and leaving, the fixed presence of operators, the use of products and devices for cleaning, storage and in some cases also for the preparation of food, are all elements that can saturate these environments with pollutants (viruses, bacteria, VOCs, moulds) and odours that affect the well-being and health of customers and operators. With Jonix sanitisation devices it is possible to neutralise these critical factors, because they reduce pollutants and decontaminate the air and surfaces of indoor spaces, help prevent the spread of airborne diseases, improve the shelf life of fresh food and their safety.
The Non-Thermal Plasma technology of Jonix devices makes environments healthier, safer and more comfortable, without using chemicals or releasing residual substances into the environment, complying with the sanitisation protocols required by law.
For the products’ processing, packaging and storage areas where it is essential to create an atmosphere protected from dust and biological contamination; to treat portioned products and foods making sure there are no airborne contaminants; to improve the shelf life of products. To decontaminate and deodorise common areas and multipurpose rooms; to prevent the stress phenomena from environmental intolerance. To improve the perceived quality.
For the constant sanitisation of air and surfaces in the preservation, storage and seasoning areas.
In supermarkets to deodorise, break down pollutants generated by preservatives, detergents and by the flow of people.
For the continuous decontamination and sanitisation of small spaces (changing rooms, storage areas for perishable waste material).
To prevent the formation of chemical and biological contaminants (moulds, bacteria and legionella) from internal surfaces and the flow of air from aeration and ventilation ducts.
Jonix S.p.A. Società Benefit
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